What Is The Number 1 Best Kung Fu Style » Enter Shaolin | Learn Kung Fu Online (2025)

Table Of Contents

  1. The 2 Main Kung Fu Style Types
    • External (Hard) Kung Fu
    • Internal (Soft) Kung Fu
  2. What is the most effective kung fu style?
    • Kung Fu Training For Health
    • Kung Fu Training For Self-Defense
    • Which style of kung fu should I learn?
    • best kung fu style for street fighting
  3. which kung fu style is best for me
    • The Best Kung fu Style Isn't a Style At All
  4. Conclusion

In this blog article, we are going to talk about the best kung fu style. Interestingly depending on who you ask you are going to get a different answer. I’ll reveal my answer at the end of this post.

If you have ever had an acupuncture session you realize that your specific problems require specific solutions. Deciding what the best kung fu style for you requires you to know exactly what it is you are looking for.

The reason for this is that people train in martial arts for different reasons. Some train for health and wellness only while others train for competition while others train for self-defense in the streets. There are also people who train for all those reasons combined.

Whatever camp you find yourself in this post will help you decide what direction you want to go in your training. Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you train your kung fu with consistency.

The 2 Main Kung Fu Style Types

In general, Kung fu is divided into two main categories: Internal and External also known as Hard and Soft styles. External styles focus on physical strength and application, while internal styles emphasize awareness of the mind and spirit.

The first category was introduced by Sun Lutang, who classified Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and Xingyiquan as internal arts. Liuhebafa, Yiquan, and Zi Ran Men also fall under this category. An example of an external kung fu style would be Hung Gar.

Sidenote: The best kung fu style is neither external nor internal. More on that later!

External (Hard) Kung Fu

Generally speaking, people who want to train in external kung fu styles start at a young age. Kung Fu styles like Wushu are very demanding on the body. Practitioners of hard styles focus heavily on physical training.

Internal (Soft) Kung Fu

A person can start training in internal martial arts at any age. Learning internal martial arts require a lot of patience. It also takes a lot longer to use these types of styles in self-defense situations.

What is the most effective kung fu style?

It’s human nature to want to learn the best kung fu style. Nobody wants to train in something inferior. Martial arts is only effective if you believe it’s the best.

This is why depending on who you ask you are going to get a different answer. We will look at training for health and wellness and training for self-defense.

Kung Fu Training For Health

Hands down it’s a popular consensus that training Tai Chi and Qigong are the best for health and wellness. This is because the focus is on low-impact exercises, stretches, and breathing exercises.

This is perfect training for someone who is rehabilitating injuries, working through mental baggage or just wanting to slow down and in some cases reverse the natural aging process.

There have been lots of studies done showing how effective Tai Chi is in combating Arthritis.

Kung Fu Training For Self-Defense

In order to effectively handle a street fight, you have to push your personal boundaries and limitations as well as beliefs. Be prepared to get bruises. This involves things like Weight Lifting, Cardio Workouts, Sparring, Chi Sao, push hands, and grappling.

Which style of kung fu should I learn?

This depends on what you want to get from your kung fu training. If it’s just health and wellness taking an internal martial art is enough. and whichever one you decide on taking is the best kung fu style for you.

If you are training for self-defense reasons then you want to focus more on training that prepares you to deal with real fights.

best kung fu style for street fighting

The truth is every style of kung fu has the potential to you how to handle yourself in a street fight. So it comes down to the Master, Sifu, Sensei, or Teacher you are training with. Train with someone who has experience in real-world martial art training.

which kung fu style is best for me

Very bold statement I know! It’s true though, if you really pay attention to this next part you will know what the best kung fu style is.

Here at Enter Shaolin we focus on the Mind, Body, and Spirit. We believe that you have to have balance in all things. what this means is not over training and not under training.

Not pushing too hard and not pushing hard enough. There has to be balanced in your training. It is in this way you will get the most out of your training.

Kung fu only works when it becomes part of your lifestyle. In other words, the best kung fu style is the one you will enjoy training for the rest of your life.

The Best Kung fu Style Isn’t a Style At All

The best of the best combines elements from external martial arts and internal martial arts. It doesn’t limit itself in a “way” but rather uses all ways as the way so to speak.

The only person you are competing against is yourself. Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Focus on what you are doing.

Spar a little, exercise a little, stretch a little and slowly increase the intensity of everything as your body feels comfortable as it can.

The key to success is the same in martial arts as it is in anything else in life. Work hard and be honest with yourself.


Since there is no one-size-fits-all martial art system. There can never be a best kung fu style. There is only what you think is the best. This is because it’s not the style that makes a martial art, it’s always the person that makes a style what it is.

This also goes for what is the deadliest kung fu style. It’s impossible to know what the deadliest is because that depends on the skill level of the martial art practitioner.

The bottom line is simply this. The best kung fu style is the one that you believe in. Of course, I encourage you to test and prove all things.

My question for you is: What style do you think is the best kung fu style?

What Is The Number 1 Best Kung Fu Style » Enter Shaolin | Learn Kung Fu Online (2025)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.